Am 22.08.2020 um 10:55 schrieb f.marchini(a)
Thank you for your answer. Following the literature I adopted the
following equation:
where POSt and NEGt are the two variables obtained from the partial
sum of positive and negative changes of the lnREX variable.
OK. Please try to use at least some blanks to increase the readability
of such a formula line in pseudo-code. (Of course Latex notation would
also help, but not necessary.)
The restrictions look as follow: ∑ e′ ≠ ∑ f ′ for short-run
asymmetry; -θ3/θ0 ≠ - θ4/θ0 long-run asymmetric effects.
As always, the null hypothesis will be formulated as equalities, and
rejection would be in favor of inequality.
Then, assuming that your variables in gretl are actually named DPOS_k,
DNEG_k, POS_1, NEG_1, you type in as restrictions:
b(DPOS_k) - b(DNEG_k) = 0
b(POS_1) - b(NEG_1) = 0
Watch out that all b terms appear on the left-hand sides. (Developer
note: The error message that users get when they violate this says "b
doesn't exist" or something like this and IMO is a bit misleading.)
You could also use square brackets in this context.
(BTW, I've seen these constructed partial sums before, but I don't
remember whether it was actually OK to apply the standard regression
inference theory to them. The answer above ignores those doubts and is
just about a restriction formulation in gretl.)