Since Gretl is open source, you can easily get access to the code here:
You can easily change the code in anyway you want. Then you can send your
changes as a patch to the developers' list: gretl-devel(a)lists.wfu.edu and
it can then be included in the core code and integrated into the
downloadable file (after being approved by a developer).
I suggest that you change the notation from e.g. "5.55e-06" to
"<0.001" and
add a check box in the Options settings where you could chose between these
two notations. Since some prefer the scientific notation, it is not a good
idea to remove it but instead let the user chose which notation to use.
Best regards
Dr. Andreas Rosenblad
gretl-users-bounces(a)lists.wfu.edu skrev 2009-05-18 12:26:22 :
I will be using Gretl to teach third year Economics students who
may not be familiar with software nor mathematics in general. The
Open University does accept students from very heterogeneous
backgrounds and is sometimes the only possibility some people have
to undertake further studies because of its flexible entry requirements.
So my query aims to avoid creating additional hurdles to these
students who may not be very familiar with numbers and alternative
notations. Gretl outputs tend to use a scientific notation when
numbers have too many zeros and few non-zero digits. How could this
be changed? Could we have access to the code that generates the
format of displayed numbers? How could we then integrate it into
the Gretl downloadable file?
Thanks so much!
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