> I've got VECM model with [3x3] matrix Pi=alpha*beta' that
looks as
> follows: [-1, a1*b, a2*d; 0, b-1, 0; 0, 0, d-1]. a1, b, a2 and d are
> parameters. I was thinking about imposing restrictions for elements
> that equals 0. As I'm aware it's not possible to put such
> restrictions on matrix Pi (or am I wrong?). It's better to find
> sensible 'alpha' and 'beta' in this case (but I don't have any
ideas yet
> With regard,
> Mariusz
AFAICS this is a very strange Pi-matrix because it's triangular with
non-zero diagonal elements. In general that would mean that it has
full rank, so there is no cointegration, therefore it's not really a
VECM model but "just" a reparameterized levels-VAR.
Sven is right. To be exceedingly picky, one shouldn't say that there is no
cointegration: in fact, there's "too much" cointegration, since all the
variables are stationary (hence, each possible linear combination is
stationary too).
It is true, however, that the particular form of the \Pi matrix implies some
restrictions on the VAR. The way I would estimate such a system is via SUR
on the VECM formulation.
Maybe it would be helpful if you could explain why you are using a
VECM model here and why you have this structure of the Pi matrix.
Normally the interpretation is in terms of the alpha and beta matrices.
Thanks Sven and Jack...
You're right that it could be just VAR model. I was thinking mostly about
ways of making restrictions on matrix 'Pi', sorry:). According to my model
I'm trying to do something like this:
ct=s+a1*yt+a2*rt+ut, yt=a+bY[t-1]+u1t, rt=c+dr[t-1]+u2t where yt (GNP) and
rt (interest rate) could be I(1). I'm trying to put this into VAR model with
With regard,