On Sun, 10 Apr 2016, juergen.malitte(a)t-online.de wrote:
I have installed the actual version of Gretl and R on my PC (Windows
Just so we're sure, could you tell us which versions these are?
The problem is: When I try to establish a connection to R out of
R-Script-Editor, I will be asked for the "R-Modus" ("not interactive"
"Interactive R-Session"). Choosing "Interaktive R-Sitzung" <->
R-Session" all works fine :-)) An instance of the R-console will be
started. And I can going on doing my work in R.
But choosing "not interactive" Gretl crashes. R gives no response and Gretl
don't work anymore.
Could you tell us what you see under gretl's Tools/Preferences menu,
Programs tab, against "Path to R.exe"? Thanks.
Allin Cottrell