Sorry I added the postscript and commands in the interactive R
session generated by GRETL. I have the same problem when I try to run
the script from R. Like Allin I can not see what is wrong. It is
almost right. If I start R and generate an interactive session as
R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23)
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setwd("C:\\Documents and Settings\\John C Frain\\Application
[1] "C:/Documents and Settings/John C Frain/Application
# load data from gretl
gretldata <- read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/John C Frain/Application
Data/gretl/Rdata.tmp", header=TRUE)
gretldata <- ts(gretldata, start=c(1950, 1), frequency = 4)
# load script from gretl
null device
########################### End Session
everything works properly.
1. I start Tinn-R and load the file Rsrc into the editor.
(Tinn-R is configured to start without starting R. If I load an
R-script into Tinn-R and start R the directory holding the script
becomes the working directory. It is not necessary to load the
Sciviews package or to make any Tinn-R specific additions to the
Rprofile file if one wishes to work in this way if one wishes to work
in this way)
2 Start R from within Tinn-R
3 Run the Rsrc script line by line or as a block
everything also runs properly. If anything is wrong it must be very
small. (famous last words)
Best Regards
2008/8/4 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)>:
> John,
> thanks for your advice! Unfortunately I get an R error (in the Rterm):
>> sink("C:/Dokumente und
> Fehler in eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) :
> konnte Funktion "postscript" nicht finden
> (= couldn't find function "postscript")
> Here's the script I'm running from gretl,
following your suggestions:
> library(graphics);
> Any
> thanks,
> sven
> John C Frain schrieb:
>> Load the sample data set green5_1.gdt into gretl.
>> Do a crossplot of say realgdp and realcons in Gretl
>> The following script run from GRETL will produce the
>> default graph in R
>> library(graphics);
>> If you put a command
>> postscript(file="")
>> before the plot command it will write a postscript
version to of the
>> the specified file in the R working directory. You should put a
>> command after the plot command. There are many ways
to beautify the
>> file. You might want to consult Murrell (2006), "R Graphics", Chapman
>> & Hall or any of the many books on R for more details.
>> I would use R for Graphics when i am working in R. I
think that the
>> front end on gnuplot in Gretl is superb and would use it unless I am
>> already in R. (I also think that R graphics are very good and more
>> flexible but they can often they require a bit more work. I have
>> tried to use gnuplot directly and would definitely prefer R. Perhaps
>> this is because I am not as familiar with gnuplot.
>> Best regards
>> John
2008/8/2 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)>:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I'm wondering
whether it could make sense to produce graphs with R, given
>>> the brand new gretl functionality to embed R commands. I would like to
>>> compare the output quality of the standard gretl approach (using gnuplot)
>>> with what embedded R would provide.
>>> However, I have no
experience with R, so I need help: does anybody have a
>>> minimal script example (say, simple scatter plot of two variables) that
>>> could be run in gretl and produce the graph, ideally saveable in pdf?
>>> thanks,
>>> sven
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John C Frain
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2