Hi gretl community,
I am just estimating some VAR models and would like to use robust
standard errors. I am using the following lines to set up HAC:
set force_hc off #to make sure that HAC and not HC is used
set hac_prewhiten off #Andrews-Monahan prewhitening and re-coloring
#set hac_kernel bartlett #Alternative: Parzen kernel or QS
#set hac_lag nw3 #default when prewhitening is selected
var p Y --robust
But still the output uses HC instead of HAC:
Current session: 2011-04-25 17:58
? set force_hc off
? set hac_prewhiten off #Andrews-Monahan prewhitening and re-coloring
#set hac_kernel bartlett #Alternative: Parzen kernel or QS
#set hac_lag nw3
? scalar q = 4
Replaced scalar q = 4
? Mod3 <- var q Y --robust
VAR system, lag order 4
OLS estimates, observations 1955:1-2010:4 (T = 224)
Log-likelihood = 1712.7457
Determinant of covariance matrix = 7.8281352e-10
AIC = -15.1317
BIC = -14.8575
HQC = -15.0210
Portmanteau test: LB(48) = 166.795, df = 176 [0.6786]
Equation 1: ws
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, variant HC1
I am not sure whether it's my fault or a bug.
I am using the current cvs on Ubuntu 11.04.
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