On Wed, 8 Aug 2012, Paulo Grahl wrote:
I am trying to plot a chart with a line/point type using a script.
I've tried the following:
gnuplot DI --with-lines --time-series --output="display" \
{ set title "Diffusion Index for OECD exports"; \
set ylabel "Diffusion Index (50 = no change)" ; \
set grid ytics; \
set style line 1 pt 70; }
But it did not work.
I presume you want the series to show with "linespoints". To
get that effect it's not enough to specify a "pt" variant for
the line 1 style, you also have to activate it on the "plot"
line in the gnuplot file, as in
plot '-' using 1:2 w linespoints
(or just "lp" for "linespoints"). That's something you can't
do via the mechanism of adding "{...}" material to gretl's
"gnuplot" command, since gretl takes charge of writing the
"plot" line(s). Perhaps there should be a --with-lp option
to the command, but right now there isn't. So you'd have to
write out your own gnuplot command file and source it.
PS: what is the standard code for this mailing list
regarding "thanks"? I've received some very helpful comments
and suggestions / solutions for may questions in the past
but never replied "thanks" since I was afraid of crowding
the mail box of most users (and particularly those not
involved or not interested in the matters being discussed) .
Good question. I'd say you're probably right (not to send a
plain "thanks" message), although if there appears to be any
doubt on the helper's part it can be useful to know if a given
suggestion has worked.
Allin Cottrell