On Sun, 1 Sep 2013, Pedro J. Perez wrote:
I'm a starter with Gretl,
Welcome to the list.
and I have to basic questions:
1) I have two variable: salary and women (1=women,o=men). Hos can
I create a variable that is salary if the individual is a men but
a missing observation if the individual is a women? genr WW =
salary if women= 0 AND NA if women=1 (I know that this is not the
syntax not even the instructions of Greatl but I need help asap to
start with Gretl)
series male_salary = women ? NA : salary
2) I Would like to export data from Grertl to Excel. What is the
quickest way to do it?
By command:
store mydata.csv
(see the help for the "store" command for details).
Or via GUI: /File/Export data...
Allin Cottrell