Thank you! Works! As I can see you made Gretl to cut numbers to 12+(.) I tested, now R3.1
eats up to 15+(.). May be, it worth adding a couple of digits?
Honestly, the first time used snapshot at another PC; here did not update cvs for month or
so, this pc is dying and get shut down after 4-5 mins of compiling. (it needs more for
gretl) Going to buy a new one on Monday In Ukrainian university (Kiev Shevchenko,
actually) we have normal (recall per capita gdp) computer classes but one room for 20
professors, so besides classes I work at home.
--- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
Від кого: "Allin Cottrell" < cottrell(a) >
Дата: 26 квітня 2014, 19:48:06
On Sat, 26 Apr 2014, oleg_komashko(a) wrote:
Works with export to csv but still doesn't with start R session
It works here (with R 3.1.0) Are you really building gretl from current
CVS? (The snapshots are not updated at this point.)
Allin Cottrell
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