On 19-09-2012, at 19:36, Henrique Andrade wrote:
Em 19 de setembro de 2012, Biagio Salerno escreveu:
Right now I am focusing on dynamic panel data, especially on Arellano-Bond estimators.
I used gretl for the last few months, and it worked great.
Still, after i downloaded and installed Mountain Lion on my mac (which does not
incorporate X11 anymore, so i had to download XQuartz),
Gretl would not run anymore.
Could you please help me with this matter?
Dear Biagio, I had exactly the same problem when I installed Mountain Lion. I solved my
problem just reinstalling Gretl (delete the version you have and install a new one).
Please tell us if this works for you.
I'm considering to move to Mountain Lion myself but have been waiting for bugs in
Mountain Lion to be repaired and for other applications ot be ML ready.