Dnia 18 lutego 2014 10:12 smyks <smyks(a)tlen.pl> napisał(a):
Hi Gretl users,
I need advice with regard to Engle-Granger cointegration test. Why
the tstats are different for the same series when flag--skip-df is
Please give a concrete example (with a built-in example dataset), I
don't get a difference here.
Also, I have noticed that --test-down flag does not allow the
between MAIC, MBIC and tstat anymore. This flag works fine on adf
test thou.
Confirmed, with the 'coint' command this gives a syntax error while it
works with 'adf', contrary to what the docs say. Looks like a bug.
(Tested on 1.9.14 only, might be worth trying the latest cvs
version/snapshot, although the changelog doesn't say anything related to
this context.)