On Thu, 25 Mar 2021, Reynaldo Senra wrote:
Dear professor Schreiber,
Very much thank you for your suggestions. I will try them for sure.
You could use the following script as a starting point. I couldn't be
bothered with figuring out the strings for the parameter names, but apart
from this I guess that this function should do more or less what you want.
set verbose off
function void print_all_avg_coeffs(bundle mod)
N = mod.N
c = meanr(mod.fullcoeffs)
s = sdc(mod.fullcoeffs', N * (N - 1))'
cs = selifr(c ~ s, s.>1.0e-12)
k = rows(cs)
strings pnames = array(k)
printf "\nAverages of heterogeneous coefficients\n"
loop i = 1 .. k
pnames[i] = sprintf("coeff_%02d", i)
modprint cs pnames
end function
include PMG.gfn
open oecddata.gdt --frompkg=PMG
list X = DP LNDI
bundle b = PMG(LPC, X, 1)
commonlag = 1
bundle myopt = defbundle("estshortrun", 1)
b = PMG(LPC, X, commonlag, , myopt)
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)