Hi everybody, I'm new to Gretl and was just trying out a couple of things.
I have one question: when I run a normal OLS on a dataset I have, I
get an R-squared of 0.54 (see below)
Model 4: OLS estimates using the 28 observations 1981-2008
Dependent variable: Market
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
const -0.0537645 0.0158677 -3.388 0.0023 ***
GDP 2.61979 0.465478 5.628 6.46e-06 ***
Mean dependent var 0.023904 S.D. dependent var 0.060574
Sum squared resid 0.044660 S.E. of regression 0.041445
R-squared 0.549209 Adjusted R-squared 0.531871
F(1, 26) 31.67644 P-value(F) 6.46e-06
Log-likelihood 50.44212 Akaike criterion -96.88424
Schwarz criterion -94.21983 Hannan-Quinn -96.06970
rho 0.264994 Durbin-Watson 1.356766
This is a time-series, and I wanted to see what a Prais-Winsten
regression output would be like:
Performing iterative calculation of rho...
1 0.26499 0.0401631
2 0.40328 0.0387053
3 0.46859 0.0382796
4 0.49500 0.0381643
5 0.50490 0.0381302
6 0.50850 0.038119
7 0.50980 0.0381152
8 0.51027 0.0381152
Model 5: Prais-Winsten estimates using the 28 observations 1981-2008
Dependent variable: Market
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
const -0.0347002 0.0188278 -1.843 0.0768 *
GDP 1.81362 0.426344 4.254 0.0002 ***
Statistics based on the rho-differenced data:
Mean dependent var 0.023904 S.D. dependent var 0.060574
Sum squared resid 0.038114 S.E. of regression 0.038287
R-squared 0.615716 Adjusted R-squared 0.600936
F(1, 26) 17.61559 P-value(F) 0.000279
Log-likelihood 52.66109 Akaike criterion -101.3222
Schwarz criterion -98.65776 Hannan-Quinn -100.5076
rho 0.124797 Durbin-Watson 1.594644
Everything seemed correct, only the R-squared seems to have increased,
whereas my intuition was that it should have decreased. A verification
with Stata (8) gave me that R-squared is 0.40 (all other test-values
and coefficients are the same).
Does this have something to do with the way Gretl calculates R-squared
for Prais-Winsten compared to Stata 8? Or is it a bug somehow..?
I'd appreciate any answer!
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