On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, ab.news wrote:
Allin Cottrell a écrit :
> Sorry, you'll have to explain that a bit more.
Yes, you're right. And your tests too! But to reproduce the bug
you need to display the 2 windows in continuity. So, open at
first the "Statistical tables" window, make it crash by entering
the wrong decimal character (depending on the locale) and close
it (or if you want even leave it displayed). Then open the
"Distribution graph" window. You can either leave it as is with
the default values (0,1) or enter some valid values for the mean
and the std dev. Click Ok. Are you getting the error message
"Extraneous character '.' in data", aren't you ?
OK, I think I understand: it's as if the error condition from the
first window is "stuck in place"? I haven't been able to
replicate that yet, but I'll try some more experimenting (and take
another look at the code) tomorrow.
I did discover one bug in this area: if you ask for one
distribution graph using ',' as decimal separator in the
parameters, you're OK (in the right locale, of course), but then
if you try to add another curve to the existing plot you get a
gnuplot error. This is fixed in CVS.