Dear all,
this message is to inform the community about the activity in our
function package repository: during the month of February 2025, 5
packages were updated to a new version:
"fdensity", by Artur Tarassow and me (factorized kernel density estimation)
"felogit", by me (Fixed-effects logit via Chamberlain's estimator)
"frontier", by Francesca Di Iorio and me (Stochastic Frontier Analysis)
"heatmap", by me (heatmap and contour plots)
"kmeans", by Artur Tarassow (K-means clustering)
"PairPlot", by Artur Tarassow and Allin Cottrell (Scatterplot matrix
with factor separation)
I you'd like to know more on these packages, or simply find out what's
new, the best way is to open the packages page
( and
click on the package name or on the [doc] tag if available.
Download and enjoy!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)