On Sat, 28 Mar 2009, artur tarassow wrote:
when I try to generate a xy-plot with the "--loess-fit"
option using
the loop command
foreach i 6 10 100
gnuplot hph_$i hpwa_lab_$i --loess-fit --output=hp_h_wa_lab_$i.eps
the compiled files will be corrupted. For the other
"fit"-options it works well.
Is there a reason for this?
Yes ;-) The file were not actually corrupted, they were just
plain text gnuplot command files, not EPS. The trouble is that
when you select the loess plot option a special graphing function
is called, and that function was not getting the message that a
specific output format was wanted.
This is now fixed in CVS; I'll put up a fixed Windows snapshot