On Fri, 23 Dec 2011, clarodina(a)lycos.com wrote:
d1 is another data series and not the fit value from d1 =
b[1] * d2 + b[2] * d3
Want to regress d1 against d2 and d3 and find a d1^hat
approximating d1
Ols uses error minimization but want to use maximisation of
t value from the adf of d1^hat
Using the script you provide, the original d1 data series is
replace from the d1^hat
My script can be thought of as giving you a d1-hat that
satisfies your "maximum ADF t" criterion. Of course, it may
bear little relationship to the actual d1 data. If in addition
you want d1-hat to "resemble" d1 in some way, you'll have to
constrain the maximization of the ADF t -- e.g. provide a
criterion for maximization that's a weighted sum of SSR for d1
and the ADF t-ratio for d1-hat (with a negative sign on the
SSR). [SSR = sum of squared residuals]
But this seems very weird, and there's no telling what
statistical properties the resulting estimator would possess.
Allin Cottrell