Am 18.12.2014 um 16:29 schrieb Juan Ceccarelli Arias:
I'm performing a simple loop like this
loop i=10...15
coint2 i var1 var2
The regular output is like this (i=12) :
But i only need the pvalues associated.
I mean
p Value
p Value
Under stata i know that if i type return list i would get those values.
Well, that's all.
Thanks for your time and interest.
as suggested by the help text for coint2 ( "By default the $pvalue
accessor gets the adjusted variant, but the --asy flag may be used to
record the asymptotic values instead. ") you need to grab the p-values
via the $pvalue accessor. If you also want to suppress the output as
unwanted, add the --quiet or --silent options to the coint2 command.