Am 09.02.2019 um 13:54 schrieb Fred Engst:
Hi guys,
I love gretl, but I have a problem.
When I run the builtin fixed effect model on a panel data with over 5000 firms, the gretl
does fine.
But since the dependent variable has over 90% zeros, I tried to do a Tobit model with
entity dummies (i.e. fixed effect tobit).
Hi, the econometrics of this is problematic. Quoting from Stata's
documentation for xttobit: "There is no command for a parametric
conditional fixed-effects model, as there does not exist a sufficient
statistic allowing the fixed effects to be conditioned out of the
likelihood." and: "Unconditional fixed-effects tobit models may be fit
with the tobit command with indicator variables for the panels; [...]
However, unconditional fixed-effects estimates are biased."
So you're trying to perform a biased estimation. Sometimes there may be
good reasons to do this, but I guess what you really want is
random-effects Tobit.
Unfortunately, AFAIK there is no native support nor a function package
that does that yet. It is also not a trivial estimation algorithm in
terms of numerics.
Just now I tried to run a fixed effect by including entity dummies on
OLS through GUI, it crashed gretl once again, with the same crash report.
Please clarify, do you mean you did a plain OLS estimation in panel data
and adding a lot of unit dummies (literal fixed effects), and then it
crashed? This would of course be a bug.
Next, I tried fixed effect by including du_* on the OLS command
through gretlcli, it was able to complete in a few minutes, much longer than the builtin
panel model with the —fixed-effects option.
This is not unexpected, because the standard way of almost all
implementations is to demean the variables first (along the T-dimension,
the within transformation). Instead adding the many unit dummies is
theoretically possible but has numerical problems.
Is there a way to do the fixed effect like the builtin panel way
rather than the explicit including dummies way on a tobit model?
If you're prepared to do a biased estimation you might apply the within
transformation to the variables manually and then estimate a standard
Tobit model on the transformed variables. However, it's not clear to me
how to preserve the zeros in the dependent variable then...
In either case, the buffer overflow should be looked at.
thanks for the report,