Dear all:
>Either use the GUI plot editor, or exploit the
> { extra gnuplot commands; }
Yes, to use GUI to plot the graph with different linetypes (as well as
different Y axes) is OK.
The gretl manual does not provide the example I need. So I visit to try the gnuplot commands.
They generally works. But I found if I use the command line in the
gretl console (for example, using the below script with djclose.gdt)
series r=ldiff(djclose)
gnuplot r djclose { plot '-' using 1:($2) axes x1y2 title "Returns
(right)" w lines, '-' using 1:($2) title "djclose (left)" w
linespoints;} --time-series
The graph comes out as expected.
However, this graph cannot be edited. That is, click on the graph
\edit, on the tab "lines" in the dialog box, there is only "line 1"
It happened if the last semi-colon (after "linepoints") of the above
command is accidentally "ignored," i.e.,
gnuplot r djclose { plot '-' using 1:($2) axes x1y2 title "Returns
(right)" w lines, '-' using 1:($2) title "djclose (left)" w
linespoints} --time-series
then click on the graph and choose \edit\lines, there are now two line
as normal, but the linetypes setting were gone. I think the second
command without the semicolon should be incorrect. Is this a problem
in gnuplot?
Yi-Nung Yang
2009/1/28 Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, yinung at Gmail wrote:
> 1. I use the command, gnuplot as follows
> gnuplot x1 x2 y1 y2 --time-series --with-lines
> without any problems. What should I do if I would like to draw x1 x2
> with lines but y1 y2 with points?
Either use the GUI plot editor, or exploit the
{ extra gnuplot commands; }
mechanism. See gretl's command reference entry for "gnuplot".
> 2. The command, gnuplot, in console can generate a plot. But it
> seems not to work when I use the same gnuplot command in a
> script. It responds that, for example,
> wrote D:\Subdir\gpttmp01.plt
> Is this normal? How can I access (open) *.plt files?
Yes, it's normal. See the gretl command entry for "gnuplot". You
can access .plt files using a text editor or using gnuplot itself
(wgnuplot.exe in the gretl program directory).
Allin Cottrell
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