Am 28.01.2013 03:17, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Mon, 28 Jan 2013, Pietro Battiston wrote:
>>> I'd be OK with 'language=numpy' if people think that's
>>> although I'd say the _language_ is python.
>> Sure, but Python doesn't speak arrays without numpy, so it's both
>> together that form the numerical language. So "python-numpy"? (which
>> also the name of the debian package BTW).
> I personally do not agree. The language you will write is simply python,
> which, for an implementational detail, uses numpy. I don't think the
> user is even necessarily assumed to know this is happening, until she
> just reads the docs. Unless there really are any reason why we should
> want an additional python "flavour" supported, I think the simplest
> alternative, "language=python", is the best.
I'm with you on that, Pietro.
As I said, it's not a big thing, so go ahead, especially given the
solution chosen below, where the user must make her imports explicit.
Even though I do not agree (a language not only consists of syntax, but
of course of vocabulary as well, which is coming from numpy here), I
guess you can make the point that the Python spirit is always "import
this", and numpy is just one more (complex) module then.
Here's what's in current CVS, following Sven's recent suggestions:
1) In the convenience python functions gretl_loadmat() and
gretl_export() -- for shuttling matrices between gretl and python --
we do this sort of thing:
def gretl_loadmat(fname):
from numpy import loadtxt
dname = gretl_dotdir()
M = loadtxt(dname + fname, skiprows=1)
return M
That is, we import locally the functionality we need from numpy.
2) We leave it up to the user to import from numpy and/or scipy,
with the user's preferred namespace, for more general usage.
The scipy thing is actually also a good reason not to use numpy blindly,
because a user may want to work with stuff which is only in scipy.
Point 1) means that gretl's python support depends on the user
having numpy installed, but I suppose that really goes without
saying: how could you do anything useful in terms of gretl/python
interaction without numpy?
Yes; OTOH gretl could try to catch the resulting import error:
def gretl_loadmat(fname):
from numpy import loadtxt
dname = gretl_dotdir()
M = loadtxt(dname + fname, skiprows=1)
return M
except ImportError:
<somehow signal the absence of numpy to gretl>
> While I'm at it: I guess that now most of the work needed to also have a
> python console running in gretl is done? Let me point out that if that
> was the case, it would be great to be able to choose _which_ console to
> use (for instance "ipython" instead than simple "python").
Hmm. We currently have the ability to edit/run python scripts in the
gretl gui (with appropriate syntax highlighting) in the same sort of
way as we support Ox programs and R or Octave scripts. As for
providing a "console" (by which I understand an interactive
command-line interface), I'm not sure that is gretl's job.
I agree, or at least I don't see the use case.