On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Neil Hepburn wrote:
I have a Mac and Gretl installed on it. I also have MacTex
installed. When I estimate a model, I am not able to copy the
estimated equation as a TeX file like I am able to do in the
Windows and Linux versions. Is it possible to configure Gretl
on a Mac to do this?
Yes. It sounds as if pdflatex may not be in your PATH. What do
you see if you open an xterm and type:
which pdflatex
? On the Mac on which I test, I see "/sw/bin/pdflatex", since
this program is part of a Fink installation, which lives in /sw.
If pdflatex is not found, the option in question will not be
active. If pdflatex is installed OK, but is not in your path, you
can modify PATH accordingly, probably in the file named ".profile"
(possibly ".bash_profile") in your home directory.
export PATH=$PATH:/where/is/pdflatex
where, of course, you substitute for "/where/is/pdflatex" the path
to the directory that contains pdflatex.
An alternative to the above (I think) is to go into gretl's
/Tools/Preferences/General/Programs menu and ensure that the item
"Command to compile TeX files" is correctly configured.
Allin Cottrell