On Fri, 19 Apr 2013, artur tarassow wrote:
Yes, that is a nice idea which also works. Thank you, Sven!
2013/4/19 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)gmx.net>
> Am 19.04.2013 13:26, schrieb artur tarassow:
>> Hi Sven,
>> yes of course that would be the standard "solution", but makes things,
>> maybe unnecessarily, more complicated.
>> But I would like to know just out of curiosity whether there is a more
>> direct way.
> possibly another workaround: don't use a function, but put the modtest
> stuff into another script which you invoke via 'run' (untested).
The original result is expected. The basic idea is that (by
design) a gretl function knows nothing about the "outside
world" other than what is passed in via its parameters. And
so, specifically, it doesn't know anything about models
estimated "outside".
We (devels) have talked about the idea of making the results
of estimation available as a bundle. In that case you could
pass the bundle as an argument to a function and achieve the
sort of effect you were wanting.