On Wed, 15 May 2013, artur tarassow wrote:
I've noted that the $vecGamma accessor does not grab the
coefficient of the
exogenous unrestricted variables. See the example below:
open denmark.gdt
list EXO = IBO IDE
list DEXO = diff(EXO)
list DEXO += lags(1,DEXO)
vecm 2 1 ENDO ; DEXO ; #optional:EXO
matrix gamma = $vecGamma
print gamma
The coefficients for d_IBO_1 and d_IDE_1 are not in matrix gamma. Is this
Yes, it's intended. As the help says, $vecGamma contains the
"coefficients on the lagged differences of the cointegrated
variables". The $coeff matrix, on the other hand, contains the
coefficients on any exogenous terms, if you need them.
Allin Cottrell