Artur T. schrieb:
# create partial sum process
loop foreach i Y --quiet
series $i_p = 0
series $i_m = 0
series $i_p = $i_p(-1) + pd_d_$i #Partial sum process of positive
series $i_m = $i_m(-1) + nd_d_$i #Partial sum process of negative
unrelated to your question: the cum() function may be helpful here
I would like to add the series $i_p and $i_m to the current variables
but I cannot find out how to use the "return" command correctly in this
context. Does anybody have a suggestion?
If the number of returned series is known in advance and small, you
might also try the pointer variant:
function void getoutput(series *out1, series *out2)
end function
series output1=0
series output2=0
getoutput(&output1, &output2)
The advantage is that the names of the returned series are controlled
not by the function code, but by the calling code.