On Tue, 1 Apr 2008, Arthur Gouveia wrote:
Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2 on a Mobile AMD Athlon XP
1,79GHz 480 MB RAM
I typed SET in a command session and got the folowing...
Thanks very much for doing that, but as you say this doesn't seem
to be the right place to look for language settings.
Thanks; but I don't see anything unusual there.
I'd really like to find out what's happening here. I've built a
new gretl snapshot, at
which prints out some debugging information for graphs. If you
could download and try this version that would be much
appreciated. To see the debugging info:
* Use the Start/Run Windows menu item
* Browse and select gretlw32.exe (under Arquivos de
* Append " --debug" to the path to gretlw32.exe (that's a space
followed by two dashes, followed by debug, typed without quotes):
"C:\Archivos de programas\gretl\gretlw32.exe" --debug
* Hit OK to run, and you should see gretl accompanied by a console
window, in which the debugging information will be printed.
A good test case is this: open the Ramanathan dataset data3-6;
select both Ct and Yt in the gretl main window; right-click and
select an XY scatter plot (this will definitely produce accented
characters in the graph).
For reference, I'm showing below the output I got when I did
exactly that, running on Windows XP with Brazilian Portuguese
selected. Some of the lines will be broken in the email, and some
of the characters are not represented correctly since the original
output was in UTF-8, which is not supported in the Windows
console, but it gives the idea. In my case the graph displays
<standand error output>
setlocale gives 'Portuguese_Brazil.1252'
get_gretl_charset gave CP1252
Lido o arquivo de dados C:\Program Files\gretl\data\data3-6.gdt
periodicidade: 1, mßxobs: 36,
intervalo das observat)es: 1959-1994
png term line:
'set term pngcairo font "verdana,8"
set encoding utf8'
title: 'Ct versus Yt (com ajustamento por m+¡nimos quadrados)'
plotcmd='"C:\Program Files\gretl\wgnuplot.exe"
"C:\Documents and Settings\WFUT602007\Application
Data\gretl\gpttmp.a03792"', err = 0
read_plotspec_from_file: err = 0
get_png_bounds_info(): OK
setting window title
calling gtk_widget_show on plot->shell
pngname: 'C:\Documents and Settings\WFUT602007\Application
</standard error output>
Allin Cottrell