Thank you for your answer, and I want to know more.
I am sorry for my detail question,
I want to forecast the volatility for the next day.
So the equation shoud be the following:
h_{t+1} = alpha_0 + alpha_1 * e_t^2 + beta_1 * h_t
My question is how I can get h_t, even though I don't know e_{t-1} and
h_{t-1} for the h_t equation.
And I also want to know how to get e_t, then, and what is y_t? Is it the
actual volatility?
Equation you gave me.
y_t = m + e_t
V(e_t) = h_t = alpha_0 + alpha_1 * e_{t-1}^2 + beta_1 h_{t-1}
Thank you very much for your support.
Manabu Ohinata
From: "Riccardo Jack" Lucchetti""
Reply-To: r.lucchetti(a), Gretl list
To: "Gretl list" <gretl-users(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Question about GARCH
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 19:14:23 +0100 (CET)
On Fri, February 17, 2006 19:02, ohinata manabu wrote:
> I am currently using Gretl to run GARCH model for volatility of daily
> return of IBM stock estimation.
> However, I can't match the result from gretl and the GARCH formula.
> What I know is: ht=ω+α(r−m)^2+βσ^2
> But, what I got is:
> Variable Coefficient
> const 0.000553614
> alpha(0) 9.90527e-06
> alpha(1) 0.108505
> beta(1) 0.879647
> Mean of dependent variable = 9.79994e-005
> Standard deviation of dep. var. = 0.0244575
> Unconditional error variance = 0.000836019
> Log-likelihood = 2387.036
> AIC = -4764.073
> BIC = -4739.534
> I think α(0) is ω.
> But I don't know which is ht and what does const mean.
> Thank you for your help.
> Have a good weekend.
By default gretl estimates a model where the conditional mean is constant,
"const" is the estimate of m in the following pair of
y_t = m + e_t
V(e_t) = h_t = alpha_0 + alpha_1 * e_{t-1}^2 + \beta_1 h_{t-1}
note that V(e_t) should be read as the *conditional* variance of e_t.
In your example, the estimate for m is 0.000553614 and so on.
Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Facolt・di Economia "G. Fu・quot;
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