On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, John C Frain wrote:
On 27/01/2008, labone(a)gforcecable.com <labone(a)gforcecable.com>
> I tried to create a new variable by ADD -> LAGS OF
> SELECTED VARIABLES with the intention of doing a scatter
> plot of the dependent variable with its t-1 lag. However,
> the new variable is what appears to be a subcategory of
> the dependent variable and I can't figure out how to plot
> one against the other. Anyone have any suggestions?
As a work around you might create a new variable x is original
lagx = x(1)
and then plot lagx against x.
There's a simpler way. Create the lag using /Add/lags of selected
variables. In the main window you'll now see a "twisty" next to
the original variable, indicating that there's more to see. Click
the twisty and the lags will be exposed. Select the original
variable and its lag using Shift- or Ctrl-click. Right-click for
the popup menu and select X-Y scatterplot.
Allin Cottrell