Charles Koss schrieb:
Ricardo, I mean the Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots. thanks.
Not quite the perfect answer, but if you have R installed, you can do:
*file menu -> script files -> new script -> R script
*and type (only the inner two lines ;-):
testedvar <- gretldata[,"yourvarname"]
>> Is there an implementation of the Perron test for unit roots
>> on the menu, I see the following tests adf, adf-gls, and KPSS. The
>> Perron test is not in the menu; are there reasons for not using it?
There are many more unit root tests out there, it's kind of arbitrary
which ones to include natively I guess. IMO this is a good case for a
user-contributed function package, porting from the R code or from or from wherever.