On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Sven Schreiber wrote:
gretl successfully imported excel files with data for me, where to
amazement the first column which contained the definitions of the
categories was automatically imported as "observation markers" (in
gretl-speak). We're talking about histogram data here, i.e. the
categories are ranges and the data values are the (absolute) number of
My question: Is it possible to make these observation markers appear as
tick labels on the x-axis, when I do a plot of my variable against the
index variable to get the visual shape of the histogram?
Hope I made myself clear here.
You do. But the answer is that there's no built-in way to get gretl
to use observation markers as xtic labels; as things stand you'd
have to add them to the gnuplot input file manually.
Allin Cottrell