El Martes, 3 de Abril de 2007 16:28, fe_jasa escribió:
Dear Colleagues
I want to correct the end point problem of H-P. I have done the
instruction "addobs 12", for quarterly data, an ARIMA (to Y) and
obtained the forecast values (Ye). Now I am in conditions of applying
the H-P filter. But I have no solution to put the values of Y and Ye in
one variable. I have tried "Yn = Y + Ye", and also some matrix
operations, without success...
What must I do to have a variable with the "n" values of Y and the
final values of "Ye" ?
Best regards
being n the last date of series Y,
genr newser = (t<n)*Y+(t>n)*Ye
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)