gretl graphs on Linux
by Allin Cottrell
Sorry, I thought I'd sent this message to the list, but I guess I
only sent it to Cri Rigamonti. For the record, I'll post it here,
since the fonts-in-graphs problem on Linux seems quite widespread,
and we have a solution here.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 19:38:17 -0500 (EST)
From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
To: Cristian Rigamonti <cri(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] gretl-gnuplot bug? (TrueType needed)
On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Cristian Rigamonti wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 03:31:20PM -0500, Allin Cottrell wrote:
>> If you're not seeing a TrueType font option (there should be a list
>> to choose from in the Edit window for a graph)
> I can't find such an option in the edit window. Where should it be?
For the benefit of gretl users on Linux who have never seen this fabled
dialog entry, I'm attaching a PNG screenshot!
> gnuplot> set term png font "Vera.ttf"
> Terminal type set to 'png'
> Could not find/open font when opening font Vera.ttf, using default
Thanks very much for trying this experiment. It confirms what I suspected,
namely that the Debian installation of gnuplot does not support the use of
TrueType fonts without special efforts.
> gnuplot> set term png font \
(special effort: line broken for readability).
> And this time it worked.
OK, we are in business! For the cognoscenti, the recipe is this:
FDIR=$(dirname `locate Vera.ttf | tail -1`)
to be executed prior to running gretl. Now we just have to figure
out how to make this user-friendly!
Allin Cottrell.
19 years
Open excel files from gretlcli
by Antonello Lobianco
searching the doc I didn't find how to open an Excel file from a batch
script.. is that possible?
(opendocuments would be nice too..)
19 years
eqnprint and tabprint after tsls
by Marcin Błażejowski
ok, now 'eqnprint' after tsls works, but...instead of eqution the output
file contains table code ;)
Marcin Błażejowski
GG# 203127
19 years
gretl-gnuplot bug?
by Cristian Rigamonti
Hi list, I've noticed that putting Italian accented characters into the
labels of a gnuplot graph results in those characters not correctly displayed.
Some notes:
- I'm using iso-8859-1 as the default locale, and everything else in gretl WRT
localisation is working perfectly.
- The problem occurs both with user input strings and with strings generated by
the program (although I've checked them and the accented characters are OK in
the it.po file)
- If I save the gnuplot script for a graph, the script contains the correct
accented characters, and if I execute the script from within gnuplot, the
resulting graph contains correct accented characters
- I'm running gretl 1.5.0 and gnuplot 4.0 (both from Debian GNU/Linux packages)
As far as I can understand, it's like if gretl is failing to pass the "set
encoding iso_8859_1" command to gnuplot (but I might be wrong...).
Is anyone else having similar problems? Let me know if I can do any other useful
tests to track the bug (if it's a bug).
GPG/PGP Key-Id 0x943A5F0E -
19 years
eqnprint after tsls estimation
by Marcin Błażejowski
the problem is, that after tsls estimation I can write LaTeX table
output by 'tableprint' command, but somehow I can't run 'eqnprint'
command (I got message, that this command is not available for that
is it really impossible to write tsls results in LaTeX equation format?
Marcin Błażejowski
GG# 203127
19 years
saved EMF graphs imported into Word BUT...
by John Paravantis
I confirm that when importing an EMF graph into Word the margins are ok.
UNFORTUNATELY no matter if I elect to save the graph as a MONOCHROME
metafile, it is always saved as COLOR!
John Paravantis
>Message: 1
>Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 13:20:55 -0500 (EST)
>From: Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>
>Subject: [Gretl-users] EMF graphs on Windows
>To: gretl-users(a)
>Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0602031308440.17682(a)>
>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
>John Paravantis noted lately that when you paste an EMF generated by
>gretl into MS Word, you typically (always?) get a big margin to the
>top and right of the actual graph, which then needs cropping if the
>inserted graph is to look right.
>I've investigated some more, and I believe this is a problem with
>the interaction of Word and the Windows clipboard. If you save the
>same graph to File as EMF, then do Insert/Picture/from file, in
>MS Word, the graph comes out just fine with no excess borders.
>I would be interested to hear what happens if you try pasting the
>graph from the clipboard into on Windows. I suspect
>it may be handled correctly.
>Bugs in the Windows clipboard/Office connection are not unheard of.
>Until recently (Office 2003? not sure) if you simply Edit/Paste'd an
>EMF into Word, by default it went in as an old-style Windows
>Metafile (wrong, looks bad), BUT if you did Edit/Paste Special...,
>then the option that appeared as the default was to paste as an
>Enhanced Metafile (right, looks good). Go figure. That's why you
>get a little message box from gretl recommending use of Paste
19 years
Re: Gretl-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 5
by Marcin Błażejowski
gretl-users-request(a) wrote:
> Send Gretl-users mailing list submissions to
> gretl-users(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> gretl-users-request(a)
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> gretl-users-owner(a)
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Gretl-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. gretl-gnuplot bug? (Cristian Rigamonti)
> 2. eqnprint after tsls estimation (Marcin B?a?ejowski)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 13:41:47 +0100
> From: Cristian Rigamonti <cri(a)>
> Subject: [Gretl-users] gretl-gnuplot bug?
> To: gretl-users(a)
> Message-ID: <20060205124147.GB4184@pegasus>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi list, I've noticed that putting Italian accented characters into the
> labels of a gnuplot graph results in those characters not correctly displayed.
> Some notes:
> - I'm using iso-8859-1 as the default locale, and everything else in gretl WRT
> localisation is working perfectly.
> - The problem occurs both with user input strings and with strings generated by
> the program (although I've checked them and the accented characters are OK in
> the it.po file)
> - If I save the gnuplot script for a graph, the script contains the correct
> accented characters, and if I execute the script from within gnuplot, the
> resulting graph contains correct accented characters
> - I'm running gretl 1.5.0 and gnuplot 4.0 (both from Debian GNU/Linux packages)
> As far as I can understand, it's like if gretl is failing to pass the "set
> encoding iso_8859_1" command to gnuplot (but I might be wrong...).
> Is anyone else having similar problems? Let me know if I can do any other useful
> tests to track the bug (if it's a bug).
I've exact (almost) the same problem, but with polish diacritics
(latin2) and I'm using Debian too (testing mixed with unstable);
the only difference is that I use GRETL compiled by myself (the newest
cvs code)
> Cri
Marcin Błażejowski
GG# 203127
19 years
EMF graphs on Windows
by Allin Cottrell
John Paravantis noted lately that when you paste an EMF generated by
gretl into MS Word, you typically (always?) get a big margin to the
top and right of the actual graph, which then needs cropping if the
inserted graph is to look right.
I've investigated some more, and I believe this is a problem with
the interaction of Word and the Windows clipboard. If you save the
same graph to File as EMF, then do Insert/Picture/from file, in
MS Word, the graph comes out just fine with no excess borders.
I would be interested to hear what happens if you try pasting the
graph from the clipboard into on Windows. I suspect
it may be handled correctly.
Bugs in the Windows clipboard/Office connection are not unheard of.
Until recently (Office 2003? not sure) if you simply Edit/Paste'd an
EMF into Word, by default it went in as an old-style Windows
Metafile (wrong, looks bad), BUT if you did Edit/Paste Special...,
then the option that appeared as the default was to paste as an
Enhanced Metafile (right, looks good). Go figure. That's why you
get a little message box from gretl recommending use of Paste
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
19 years
crash in German windows snapshot
by Sven Schreiber
Hi, I'm getting reproducible crashes of the latest snapshot on windows
whenever I try to open the Data menu.
However, this only happens with the German translation loaded, so I
suppose it could be my fault as the current German translator ;-)
I could need some help investigating the causes though...
Any advice is appreciated,
19 years
EWMA parameter estimation in gretl
by Seung Hun Han
i have some questions about EWMA.
How do i using EWMA or SMA method in gretl.
and if i use the gretl by EWMA method, how do i forecast EWMA parameter
and what is the best estimator the minimum MSE or Maximum MLE method.
RiskMetric recommends lambda=0.94 in daily obs and lambda=0.97 in monthly
is it correct?
19 years