cvs builds on ubuntu edgy
by Sven Schreiber
I upgraded from ubuntu dapper to edgy and rebuilt gretl. However,
checkinstall-ing didn't work anymore for some (unknown) reason, so I
just did the standard make install (of today's cvs checkout). So for the
moment everything is fine, but I wonder what I should do once I decide
to install a newer version without getting any conflicts. Any hints?
18 years
Re: [Gretl-users] vertical matrix concatenation (was matrix declaration error)
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Sorry, I didn't reply to the list.
--------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] vertical matrix concatenation (was matrix
declaration error)
From: "Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti" <r.lucchetti(a)>
Date: Tue, January 30, 2007 23:19
To: "Allin Cottrell" <cottrell(a)>
On Tue, January 30, 2007 23:11, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> That does make sense, but I'm a bit reluctant to change the
> meaning of logical "&" and "|" right now -- though we could do
> that later with fair warning.
What we could do is: introduce now "&&" and "||" as synonyms of "&" and
"|" but issue a warning everytime the 1-char versions are found,
notifying users that they are deprecated (big red letters, fire alarm,
buzzers, flashing lights, whatever). In a year's time or so, introduce
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Facoltà di Economia "G. Fuà"
18 years, 1 month
matrix declaration error
Dear listers, hi from Paris !
I have a problem with matrix code. the following is part of my code :
# standard errors of elasticities
matrix EP={EP11,EP12,EP13;EP21,EP22,EP23;EP31,EP32,EP33}
matrix EP
matrix ER1
matrix ER2
matrix ER3
matrix ER = {ER1;ER2;ER3}
matrix ER
The EP matrix is built without any problem but not the ER matrix :
===========cut off ouput for RP===================
=============ER matrix faulty execution===========
? matrix ER1
? matrix ER2
? matrix ER3
? matrix ER = {ER1;ER2;ER3}
Error adding matrix 'ER'
Unknown variable name in command
Error executing script: halting
> matrix ER = {ER1;ER2;ER3}
I dont see what is wrong : the EP matrix is OK but not the second one, ER.
Note that both matrices are built from existing scalars (actually results of
prio matrix operations). As can be seen, matrices ERi are defined but the
matrix command rejects it as a valid variable name.
Thanx for your help
18 years, 1 month
matrix operations
Dear GRETL listers, greetings from Paris !
I am currently working on 3-goods demand systems and I need to use matrix
operations to compute price and income elasticities. However I find it
difficult to define the matrix of three different ols models named say m1, m2,
More precisely, I would to define the matrix :
Z = {m1.$coeff;m2.$coeff;m3.$coeff}
but this does not work because this is not allowed with matrices (chap 16) but
only scalars.
So I defined submatrixes : z1 = m1.$coeff etc. but the problem persists: I
cant form a matrix with those three vectors.
I would like to know if it is possible to build such a matrix by staking
vectors or if the present case I must use simultaneous equations specifying
OLS directly to recover $coeff as a matrix.
18 years, 1 month
Iterated moving average
by Peter N. Krembs
Hello all,
I'm still new to time-series analysis, and I have a question. I am confused
about what process to use in order to create an iterated, moving-average
filter for my time series data. It needs to be smoothed by 3 iterations of
a filter with a width of 30 days (my times series is monthly). Should I use
the simple moving average function for this?
Thanks in advance!
Peter Krembs
Oakland, CA USA
18 years, 1 month
obsolete functions in package editor
by Sven Schreiber
A minor annoyance:
When making a new function package, the function package editor also
lists obsoleted function names.
That is, if I run the following script three times:
function example (void)
print "hello"
end function
I will get three entries named "example" in the function package editor,
where there should be only one (referring to the latest definition of
the function).
(ps: empty lists in the function package gui seem to work well!)
18 years, 1 month
matrix operations: numerical derivatives
Dear gretl listers, hi from Paris, again !
Still on my demand system analysis, I need to apply the Delta method to
compute standard errors of price and income elasticities. To do this I must
access to numerical derivatives so that i can compute an approximation. I my
reading is ok, it seems that numerical derivatives are accessible in the nls
command. Is there another way to compute/show the jacobian from another model
thanx a lot in advance
18 years, 1 month
matrix operations
Hi again, and thanx for your quick responses !
I finally used something heavier, that does it also:
matrix Z=zeros[4,4]
matrix Z[1,]=transp(logement.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z[2,]=transp(transport.$coeff[2:5])
matrix Z[3,]=transp(composite.$coeff[2:5])
([2:5] because i drop the constant)
well, I will append with your advice using matrix concatenation.
Just to, add, I am using the script mode under windows XP, excuted in english
from the XP console. However, I can run the script only once, then, if I
modify it
and rerun, gretl crashes. So I must launch gretl every time.
Do you have an idea about some parameter to set inside windows ?
thanx again and see ya
18 years, 1 month
Plotting white noise
by Peter N. Krembs
Hi all,
I recently discovered gretl and am very impressed with its functionality and
ease of use. I do have one question (at the risk of sounding silly): is
there a function in gretl to plot random numbers along a normal distribution
(i.e., white noise)?
Peter Krembs
Oakland, CA USA
18 years, 1 month