gretl on Leopard
by Jay Mutter III
With regards to trying sudo fc-cache prior to running Gretl
I get
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
/Users/jlm1/.fontconfig: invalid cache file:
and then when I run gretl it crashes as before.
This is on an intel iMac and an intel macbook so I am wondering why
the ppc64 in the message unless it is totally unrelated.
Jay mutter
17 years
Re: Problem with gretl 1.7.0 (fwd)
by Allin Cottrell
I'm forwarding a reply I sent recently with regard to gretl 1.7 on
win9X, in case anyone else hits ths issue.
Allin Cottrell
From: Allin Cottrell
To: Dirk Van de putte
Subject: Re: Problem with gretl 1.7.0
On Fri, 14 Dec 2007, Dirk Van de putte wrote:
> I installed gretl 1.7 (after removing the previous version
> 1.6.5) on my laptop (Windows Me - as the hardware doesn't allow
> Windows XP), but was unable to open the program afterwards. Even
> reinstalling the program didn't help, so I had to revert to
> gretl 1.6.5
That's correct, I'm afraid: gretl 1.6.5 was the last version to
support Windows 9X (including ME). Gretl 1.7.0 and higher require
an NT-based version of Windows.
I thought I had modified the gretl-for-Windows web page to reflect
this, but I see I haven't; I'll fix that.
The reason for the change is that we've updated the version of
GTK+ used by gretl, to take advantage of new features and numerous
bug fixes, and newer versions of GTK+ won't run on Win9x because
they use the "cairo" graphics library, which in turn uses some
APIs that are implemented only on NT-based Windows.
Linux would probably run fine on your old laptop ;-)
17 years
internal parameters
by Franck Nadaud
Hello listers !
My problem is fixed now.
I installed the build you mentionned and modified the win XP theme to have the
active window background in light grey.
I selected the win emulation box, and GRETL emulates my personnal modified XP
theme, all runs OK.
Thanx a lot Allin, it is really a lot more confortable to my eyes !
cheers all
Franck Nadaud
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex
TEL 33-1-43-94-73-94
FAX: 33-1-43-94-73-70
MOB: 06-07-39-92-75
17 years
internal parameters
by Franck Nadaud
Hi listers ! greetings from Paris !
I just put 1-7-0 in operation. But I do not find a neat feature that may seem
trivial but is (apparently) lacking now. I mean the possibility to emulate the
windows environment.
The default screen is too bright to me, so i wonder if it is possible to force
gretl to emulate my personnal windows parameters (where windows are pale grey,
not white).
Specifically is it in the registry, and if yes, which key shall be adjusted ?
Sorry for this rather trivial question
Franck Nadaud
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex
TEL 33-1-43-94-73-94
FAX: 33-1-43-94-73-70
MOB: 06-07-39-92-75
17 years
Re: [Gretl-users] Gretl on Mac OS-X Leopard
by Gordon Hughes
I installed the from the dmg file provided via the gretl
website. Double clicking on the application icon fails to initiate
X11 and generates an error message that gretl requires X11 to
function. Hence, I started X11 separately and then double clicked on
gretl. This generates the error message "Application gretl_x11 quit
unexpectedly". The report contains the following error message
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /Users/allin/misc/lib/libfftw3.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
mach-o, but wrong architecture
so that there is a mismatch of the libfftw3.3 library. I assume that
the reference to "wrong architecture" means that the library is not a
universal binary (I am experimenting on an Intel Mac Mini).
I have updated my system to include the latest fixes from Apple, so
that may include Version 10.5.1. As I explained I was not able to
find how to execute ./gretl because I cannot get to the right
location in xterm. In any case, the error message suggests that the
outcome would not be any different.
Gordon Hughes
>Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 21:22:31 +0100
>From: Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)>
>Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Gretl on Mac OS-X Leopard
>To: Gretl list <gretl-users(a)>
>Message-ID: <47531407.7010501(a)>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
>Gordon Hughes schrieb:
> > This is a general warning. I have recently upgraded the version of
> > OS-X on a Mac to version 10.5 (Leopard). I have found that Gretl does
> > not seem to work with the new version of X11 in Leopard. Nor am I
> > able to follow the debugging instructions given in the Readme pdf file
> > because I cannot get to the directory specified. I was
> > able to get Gretl to work with version 10.4 (Tiger) of OS-X without
> > any significant difficulty.
>With 1.6.5 I could not start gretl on OS 10.5.0 by double-clicking,
>either. However, I was able to start it by typing ./gretl in the
>appropriate place. Could you be more specific why that didn't work for
>you or what happened?
> >
> > From brief investigation it seems that Apple has a large number of
> > unresolved problems with X11 in the initial release of Leopard, so
> > that I suspect that it may not be worth trying to get Gretl to work
> > with Leopard until these problems are sorted out. This is not
> > important for me because I can use Gretl on a Windows PC or on a
> > Windows virtual machine on my Mac via VMWare Fusion. However, for
> > those without such options it may be worth postponing any planned
> > upgrade to Leopard until they release version 10.5.1 (or later) with a
> > version of X11 that functions properly.
>10.5.1 is out already. And I was able to compile and start (the
>pre-release version of) gretl 1.7.0 on OS 10.5 from source as described
>on the gretl mac page. (However, it took a while because all the other
>fink packages also had to be compiled, because there wasn't a
>pre-compiled fink version for 10.5 available yet.)
>But I haven't tested the current 1.7.0 dmg, there may very well remain
>some problems. All I'm saying is that there don't seem to be any
>fundamental problems in using gretl 1.7.0 on os 10.5 (practical problems
17 years
Time Series Analysis with Gretl (How-Tos?)
by Idgarad
I have recently been tasked in developing some forecasts for some CPU usage.
I currently have found data from 2003 to current. The data is weekly
on a Julian calendar (52 weeks a year).
I have also found a calendar of holidays and planned deadlines and
activities that may affect the usage (they are dummy variables I
suppose, with a 1 indicating yes and 0 for no.)
Now after about a month of pouring through every scrap of online lore
I could find, and with some assistance from several people I have a
slightly better idea of what to do.
I have to do a time series analysis of the CPU usage in relation to
seasonal activities (seasonality being 52) along with the the dummy
variables indicating various activities that affect the cpu usage.
As I am not (big not here) a statistics guru (I'm a a techie not a
mathematician) and this is more for the sake of research to make my
life easier. I have $0.00 to dedicate to this (I can't even get a book
out of this...) so Open Source is my only option.
I would like to use Gretl to develop a 52 week forecast based on past
historical data.
I have the date (actual and week #) and the known cpu usage in MIPS
(million of instructions per second).
So far:
Then I have anywhere from 10 to 300 (depending on what I want to add)
columns of potential events that could affect the MIPS. (dummy
variable, 0 or 1, holidays, weather, hell even the price of oil if we
After all this research ARIMA (Box-Jenkins) seems to be the system to
use. I have used Autobox to get familiar with this but there is no way
to back-forecast in that tool that I can see (We want to be able to
check the model against older data for accuracy and graph if) and I
would really like to have a better understanding of this process.
Ideally I would like to have this as automated as possible (that's
what I do for a living) but not having the strong backgound in
statistics I am trying to automate something I barely understand.
Each week I get a new data point to add to my master list so we want
to develop a script\pipeline\process and need to re-run this weekly
(plus perhaps make some adjustments in future calendar entries based
on changes). (in short back-forecast 52 week including now and give me
the next 52 weeks, trim graph to that period...)
But, lost, alone, and frightened in the dark woods of statistics I
need help building this process using Gretl (and if necessary R).
But where do I begin? How should I structure such a script for Gretl?
Ok I have Gretl... Check!
I have R also... Check! (just in case)
I have all the data ready to go in excel files (that's how I get them)... Check!
How do I put this puzzle together? How, in Gretl do I determine the
best ARIMA model through a script? Do I just loop through?
R appears to have some functionality for autofitting, what process
should I go through via Gretl to find things like this out script
I'm lost and I hear wolves and strange noises coming from the forests
(sounds like albino calculus monsters... I heard the differential ones
are poisonous...)
I know there has to be others out there that are in the same boat and
I am hoping to put an easy guide together so others can use it as a
template. Where do I begin? How do I know when to end? How can I use
Gretl to accomplish this goal?
Help! The fire is dying and I hear rustling in the bushes nearby! (and
for the Jetson fans HEPL!)
17 years
gretl on OS-X Leopard
by Jay Mutter III
I believe you had a message last week about issues with Gretl on
Leopard crashing with the message:
"Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /Users/allin/misc/lib/libfftw3.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/Statistical Packages/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/Statistical Packages/
libfftw3.3.dylib: mach-o, but wrong architecture"
It occurs on the intel architecture.
17 years
strange R^2 with TSLS
by Sven Schreiber
Hello gretl users,
yet again one of those tsls-problems of mine...
It seems to me that TSLS doesn't calculate the R^2 correctly. Actually,
it produces exactly the same values as the corresponding OLS estimation.
For example, the three-liner
open denmark
ols IDE 0 IBO
tsls IDE 0 IBO; LRY
produces the following output (excerpt):
Unkorrigiertes R-Quadrat = 0.644317
Korrigiertes R-Quadrat = 0.637606
Unkorrigiertes R-Quadrat = 0.644317
Korrigiertes R-Quadrat = 0.637606
I'm going to file a bug report soon if nobody stops me by saying that it
all makes perfect sense...
17 years
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17 years