gretl 1.7.6rc1
by Allin Cottrell
Current gretl CVS and the Windows snapshot at
contain release candidate 1 for gretl 1.7.6.
Please note that this version involves a backward-incompatible
change with respect to gretl 1.7.5 and earlier, affecting
user-defined functions that (a) take a named list of variables as
an argument and (b) do things with the list-member variables by
means of a "foreach" loop on the list.
I won't go into the rationale for this change here. Anyone who
wants the details may look at the proceedings on the gretl-devel
list for July, which were mostly taken up with this issue:
There's also a brief discussion in the chapter of the User's Guide
that deals with user-defined functions. But here's the bottom
line for users:
* If you want to "get hold of" a list-member variable in the
context noted above, you have to use the syntax listname.varname,
where listname is the name of the list in question and varname is
the name of the list member. (This is required only if you're
working with a list that was supplied as a function argument.)
Trivial example: inside a function, creating new variables which
are the cubes of the members of an original list, xlist, where
xlist is an argument to the function.
Old style:
loop foreach i xlist
$i_3 = $i^3
New style:
loop foreach i xlist
$i_3 = (xlist.$i)^3
In the new scheme, "$i" gets the name of the list-member variable
alright, but the variable is not "visible" under that name within
the function. So on the right-hand side of the expression that
creates the cubes, we need "(xlist.$i)^3". (Well, actually the
parentheses are not required, but wearing your seatbelt is in
general a good idea.)
Although this may affect quite a large number of existing
functions, we believe the effects are localized and the update
should be trivial. If anyone has a function for which the update
is _not_ trivial, please let us know.
Allin Cottrell.
14 years, 4 months
Problems with Accented Filenames (Windows XP & Mac OS/X)
by Henrique
I sent a mail for our gretl list speaking about my problems with
accented filenames. Well, I hadn't solved my problem yet. Because of this I
try to use a PC (with Windows XP) computer to avoid these problems. But
another problem had arised!
I going to describe the problem to you with details:
(1) I opened gretl (version 1.7.8cvs build date 2008-09-22)
(2) I opened the datafile called "data9-7.gdt" (from the Ramanathan's
(3) I saved these file with another name: "Acentuação.gdt"
(4) I closed gretl
(5) I opened gretl again clicking in "Acentuação.gdt" twice
(6) I deleted the series 9, 10 and 11 (named SPRING, SUMMER and FALL,
(7) I saved the database with these changes and closed gretl*
*After the "step 7", described above, I`d noticed that a new file, called
"Acentuação.gdt~" had appeared in the same folder of the file
"Acentuação.gdt". Before proceeding I had deleted this new file
(8) I opened gretl again with a double click in the file "Acentuação.gdt"
(9) I opened the series called PRICE and choose the option "graph"
(10) I saved the graph as a session icon
(11) I closed the graph and tried to save the session with the name
"Acentuação Session.gretl". In that point the following message appears:
"zip error: File not found or no read permission (file '.Acentuação Session'
was not found)"
(12) After that message I tried to save the session with the name
"Acentuacao Session.gretl" (without accented characters). The software
(gretl) saved the session with success with the name "Acentuacao
(13) I closed gretl and when I'd tried to open the session file called
"Acentuacao Session.gretl"the following message appears:
"No such file or directory"
What's wrong? Am I doing any mistake? Any help are welcome!
Henrique Andrade
PS.: I know I'm bugging you guys, but it isn't my intention! Sorry! :(
15 years, 10 months
freequency distribution?
by alina andrejeva
i want to ask, when i use gdp to 1 liver (i have 12 observations
)variable/frequency distribution, the gretl doesn't give me any freequency (
i mean bins), so what should i do? the graph freequency plot all 12 obs is
in the one means that every obs has one freequence...but i want to
do interval.
thak you
15 years, 11 months
Gretl and X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS
Dear all,
I just downloaded Gretl for Windows and the X-12-ARIMA and TRAMO/SEATS
software but I cannot reach these last programms from the "Variable" menu in
I just run the self-installer file for both of them. Do I have to choose a
particular directory where to download the programms?
Thank you all.
Pierluigi Cerutti
15 years, 11 months
figure, --loess-fit and loop
by artur tarassow
when I try to generate a xy-plot with the "--loess-fit" option using
the loop command
foreach i 6 10 100
gnuplot hph_$i hpwa_lab_$i --loess-fit --output=hp_h_wa_lab_$i.eps
the compiled files will be corrupted. For the other "fit"-options it works well.
Is there a reason for this?
15 years, 11 months
Sample-Specific Weights
by Michael A Coon
Are there any protocols in Gretl for addressing weighted survey data? (i.e. Something similar to the pweight function in Stata.)
Mike Coon
15 years, 11 months
Is there a reverse for setmiss?
by Raz Lev
If I accidentally set a value as missing, is there a way for me to turn it back into a regular variable? or does gretl overwrite the actual values?
thanks again,
"I often see problems in the world and wonder why someone doesn't fix them. Then I realize that I am someone, and that makes me feel bad because it is all my fault."
15 years, 11 months
getting familiar with the scripts interface
by Raz Lev
I am trying to learn how to use the scripting interface - is there any training / learning resource available except for the user manual?
Does anyone have any tips about getting started? I am trying to do basic things like cleaning up a sample, getting descriptive stats and running some regressions and even though I can do all of this through the GUI I would like to get familiar with the console.
"I often see problems in the world and wonder why someone doesn't fix them. Then I realize that I am someone, and that makes me feel bad because it is all my fault."
15 years, 11 months
Recursive resuduals....
by Mariusz Doszyń
Hello.I'm trying to write a script computing recursive residuals. You're
probably familiar with the concept how to obtain such a residual: after
estimating model for (n+1) observations (with dummy variable equals 1 for
observation number (n+1)) t-value for dummy variable is multiplied by
standard error of residuals. Unfortunately something is wrong.
Script is presented below (data file is attached):
matrix D=I(21)
loop for i=5..21
smpl 1 $i
series d$i=D[,$i]
print d$i
ols c_2006 const y_2006 r_2006 d$i
print t$i r$i
Best wishes,
15 years, 11 months
by Giovanni Madaro
I need another information. I'm struggling to make a two least squares estimation from my panel data.
Can you please give me the text i need to write in the command window to tell gretl that i want to estimate a system of two equations with dependent, endogenous and instrument variables??
I have one main equation:
in this equation RIT and VEGA are endogenous, so i want the second equation to be
Please can anybody help me?? i'm going mad cause gretl always gives me error!
thanks really thanks
15 years, 11 months