gretl on local directory
by Pierre Chausse
I am trying to install Gretl on the laptop of the class in which I will
be teaching and I cannot because I don't have admin privilege. I have
spaces on N:, which is on the network. For example, I installed R on
that drive without problem and it works fine.
I tried to add the file *gretlnet.txt* to the directory in which I put
the installer and modify it to setup every directory to N:/gretl and it
is not working. When I click on the installer it immediately says that I
need admin privilege.
Is there a way to do it? Maybe it would be a good option to let the user
install gretl anywhere he wants so that there is not privilege problem.
*Pierre Chaussé*
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Waterloo
14 years, 6 months
gnuplot into a loop
by artur bala
Dear Allin,
I have a panel data and try to run the following script:
/loop for i=1..6
smpl region = i --restrict --replace
gnuplot sonede gr --output="display"
but no graph is produced. Instead, when I enter the loop commands via
gretl's console, things work beautifully.
Well, if I precede the loop with the "smpl --full" command and run the
script _*as a whole*_, it does work fine: I got the plots. Otherwise, if
I run first the "smpl --full" command , followed by the loop, graphs are
still missing and not produced on the screen.
It's something going wrong there?
Artur BALA
Development Economist, Consultant
phone: +216 24 71 00 80
14 years, 6 months
Gretl Server Error
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Developers,
I'm trying to retrieve data from Gretl server but all I can get is the
following message:
Error retrieving data from server
Is this a server problem?
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
14 years, 6 months
bug on graphing VAR inverse root
by artur bala
Hi Allin,
I think there's a bug here: If I try to "Freeze data labels" on the VAR
roots graph it just comes out a topsy-turvy line!
Artur BALA
Development Economist, Consultant
phone: +216 24 71 00 80
14 years, 6 months
Re: [Gretl-users] Gretl question
by Edsel L. Beja, Jr.
Hi all,
I need help on executing the "interval regression" option on Gretl. In
particular, how do I "create" the lower bound variable and upper bound
variable? (The manual does not give details.)
Thanks much,
14 years, 6 months
bug on graphing VAR inverse root
by artur bala
Hi Allin,
I think there's a bug here: If I try to "Freeze data labels" on the VAR
roots graph it just comes out a topsy-turvy line!
Artur BALA
Development Economist, Consultant
phone: +216 24 71 00 80
14 years, 6 months
Graphics problem
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Developers,
I think I'd found a bug when plotting a graph. Please take a look at the
following script:
open australia.gdt
"Gráfico" <- gnuplot PAU {set title "Australian price level";} --time-series
--with-lines --output=display
The plot called "Gráfico" cannot be opened in the Gretl icon view. The only
way it works is taking away the accented name (using "Grafico" instead of
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
14 years, 6 months
Compacting annual data into quartely data
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Sahana,
To convert annual data into quartely data go to the Gretl main window and
Data -> Compact data
2010/9/5 sahana shreeya <shreeyaone(a)>
> hello, how to convert annual data into quarterly data using GRETL
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 5:20 AM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:
>> > At first I would like to thank you for your response :-) Well,
>> > the problem only occurs on Windows plataform (I'd tested on Mac
>> > OS X and it worked fine). But this is not a big deal (at least
>> > for me), I can put non accented characters on the names of the
>> > graphs.
>> I think this should be fixed now. (That is, you should be OK using
>> accented characters when naming a graph to be saved via a command
>> on the pattern "graphname <- plot_specification", even on
>> Windows.)
>> Allin
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Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
14 years, 6 months
CVS Build error on ubuntu
by Oliver Reiter
Hi gretl community,
I made myself a short bash script (on Ubuntu 10.04) that automatically
updates, configures and compiles my gretl CVS build. However, when it
comes to the command "sudo checkinstall" (preferred to make install), I
always encounter this error:
*** Warning: The package version "1.9.1cvs
1.9.1cvs" is not a
*** Warning: debian policy compliant one. Please specify an alternate
I then remove the 'cvs' from that line and it works fine to the end. I
wondered whether this is an issue of "checkinstall" or if I am the only
one encountering this problem. Everything works fine, and it's also no
problem to delete the 'cvs' to continue the building process.
Thanks in advance,
14 years, 6 months