Function to get the powerset
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Community,
I really stuck trying to define a function that gives a power set of a
set. Suppose I have a set S:
S = {"A", "B", "C"}
The associated power set, P(S), is:
P(S) = {{ }, {"A"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"A", "B"}, {"A", "C"}, {"B", "C"},
{"A", "B", "C"}}
All that I can think by now (shame on me!) is this:
strings S = defarray("A", "B", "C")
scalar P_S_len = 2^nelem(S) # the size of the power set
strings P_S = array(P_S_len) # an array with 8 spaces.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 4 months
gnuplot: passing arguments with "'#'"
by Schaff, Frederik
Dear all,
something like:
gnuplot Attendance --time-series --fit=loess { set linetype 1 lc rgb '#1b9e77'; set linetype 2 lc rgb '#d95f02'; }
did work in the past, but no more. At least I am very sure I used it in the past... I have some such scripts). The "#" is interpreted as comment character, at least the highlighter indicates this. I guess this is a bug? Or am I missing something?
7 years, 3 months
Re: [Gretl-users] Gretl-users Digest, Vol 130, Issue 11
by Mixon, Wilson
As Peter Kennedy relates Fritz Machlup's lament: Let us remember the unfortunate econometrician who, in one of the major functions of his system, had to use a proxy for risk and a dummy for sex.
From: gretl-users-bounces(a) <gretl-users-bounces(a)> on behalf of gretl-users-request(a) <gretl-users-request(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 4:28 AM
To: gretl-users(a)
Subject: Gretl-users Digest, Vol 130, Issue 11
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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Today's Topics:
1. Instrument variables (Sofia Gori)
2. Re: Instrument variables (Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti)
3. Re: Instrument variables (Sven Schreiber)
4. Re: Instrument variables (Sofia Gori)
5. Wilcoxon.gfn package: removal and alternative (Sven Schreiber)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 18:04:43 +0100
From: Sofia Gori <sofiagori9(a)>
To: gretl-users(a)
Subject: [Gretl-users] Instrument variables
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
I am a new user there. I'd like to know the steps in order to add
instrument variables to a single exogenous variable.
In Gretl it seems that you are able to add as many instruments as you want,
but you cannot specify the variable to which the instrument is related.
Thank you for your attention.
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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 18:36:45 +0100 (CET)
From: "Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti" <r.lucchetti(a)>
To: Gretl list <gretl-users(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Instrument variables
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.21.1711281835200.26970(a)>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
On Tue, 28 Nov 2017, Sofia Gori wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new user there. I'd like to know the steps in order to add
> instrument variables to a single exogenous variable.
> In Gretl it seems that you are able to add as many instruments as you want,
> but you cannot specify the variable to which the instrument is related.
> Thank you for your attention.
You don't have to. All the instruments act simultaneously on all
regressors. This is not something gretl-specific, this is the way IV
estimation works.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Universit? Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Universit? di Ancona)
Jack's Home Page -<>
Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti homepage Questa è la mia homepage. Lo so che è spartana, per gli standard moderni; nemmeno uno sfondo, una gif animata...
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 22:05:43 +0100
From: Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)>
To: gretl-users(a)
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Instrument variables
Message-ID: <5424cf18-912a-05e2-a596-0b6638bf6e39(a)>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Am 28.11.2017 um 18:36 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
> On Tue, 28 Nov 2017, Sofia Gori wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a new user there. I'd like to know the steps in order to add
>> instrument variables to a single exogenous variable.
>> In Gretl it seems that you are able to add as many instruments as you
>> want,
>> but you cannot specify the variable to which the instrument is related.
>> Thank you for your attention.
> You don't have to. All the instruments act simultaneously on all
> regressors. This is not something gretl-specific, this is the way IV
> estimation works.
Of course Jack is right, but in case the question was meant as to how
certain variables are marked as "endogenous" (and thus needing
You announce certain regressors to gretl as exogenous by also including
them in the list of instruments. Then by implication, all regressors
that are _not_ instruments are treated as endogenous.
(A quotation from the TSLS/IV help: "Note that any exogenous regressors
should appear in both lists." [independent variables and instruments])
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 08:11:09 +0000
From: Sofia Gori <sofiagori9(a)>
To: Gretl list <gretl-users(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Instrument variables
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Mine was a misstatement: what I intended to write was ?endogenous? instead
of ?exogenous?.
I both thank you for resolving my problem.
Il giorno mar 28 nov 2017 alle 22:05 Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)> ha
> Am 28.11.2017 um 18:36 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
> > On Tue, 28 Nov 2017, Sofia Gori wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I am a new user there. I'd like to know the steps in order to add
> >> instrument variables to a single exogenous variable.
> >> In Gretl it seems that you are able to add as many instruments as you
> >> want,
> >> but you cannot specify the variable to which the instrument is related.
> >> Thank you for your attention.
> >
> > You don't have to. All the instruments act simultaneously on all
> > regressors. This is not something gretl-specific, this is the way IV
> > estimation works.
> Of course Jack is right, but in case the question was meant as to how
> certain variables are marked as "endogenous" (and thus needing
> instruments):
> You announce certain regressors to gretl as exogenous by also including
> them in the list of instruments. Then by implication, all regressors
> that are _not_ instruments are treated as endogenous.
> (A quotation from the TSLS/IV help: "Note that any exogenous regressors
> should appear in both lists." [independent variables and instruments])
> cheers,
> sven
> _______________________________________________
> Gretl-users mailing list
> Gretl-users(a)
Gretl-users Info Page - Wake Forest University<>
A list for discussing the use of gretl, including requests for help. To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Gretl-users Archives.
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Message: 5
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 10:28:21 +0100
From: Sven Schreiber <svetosch(a)>
To: Gretl list <gretl-users(a)>
Subject: [Gretl-users] Wilcoxon.gfn package: removal and alternative
Message-ID: <e79e297a-f78f-a864-7c95-0fefdb6e706b(a)>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Hi all,
the contributed function package Wilcoxon.gfn is going to be removed
from the server soon. Gretl covers the functionality (the signed rank
Wilcoxon test) with the built-in command 'difftest'.
Example usage for series x and y (see also the difftest help):
difftest x y --signed-rank
And you can retrieve the results via the usual $test and $pvalue accessors.
If you need a functional form, you could use something like this trivial
function scalar wilcoxonreplacement(series x, series y)
difftest x y --signed-rank
return $test
end function
In the graphical interface (GUI) you would go to: Tools/Nonparametric
tests/ Difference test.
Happy testing,
Gretl-users mailing list
Gretl-users Info Page - Wake Forest University<>
A list for discussing the use of gretl, including requests for help. To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Gretl-users Archives.
End of Gretl-users Digest, Vol 130, Issue 11
7 years, 3 months
Wilcoxon.gfn package: removal and alternative
by Sven Schreiber
Hi all,
the contributed function package Wilcoxon.gfn is going to be removed
from the server soon. Gretl covers the functionality (the signed rank
Wilcoxon test) with the built-in command 'difftest'.
Example usage for series x and y (see also the difftest help):
difftest x y --signed-rank
And you can retrieve the results via the usual $test and $pvalue accessors.
If you need a functional form, you could use something like this trivial
function scalar wilcoxonreplacement(series x, series y)
difftest x y --signed-rank
return $test
end function
In the graphical interface (GUI) you would go to: Tools/Nonparametric
tests/ Difference test.
Happy testing,
7 years, 3 months
Instrument variables
by Sofia Gori
I am a new user there. I'd like to know the steps in order to add
instrument variables to a single exogenous variable.
In Gretl it seems that you are able to add as many instruments as you want,
but you cannot specify the variable to which the instrument is related.
Thank you for your attention.
7 years, 3 months
log percent changes in Add menu , percentage change of ... option
by Ioannis A. Venetis
Dear all,
(A) Can we enlarge the option "Percentage change of selected variable"
in the "Add" menu to
"Percentage change of selected variable_s_" ? (as is the case for most
other options)
(B) Can we introduce log changes as well in the "Add" menu "Percentage
change of selected variable(s)" option, for example, by enlarging the
window in the percentage changes?
100*log(Yt/Yt(-1), monthly (etc depending on frequency data)
12*100*log(Yt/Yt(-1)) for %m-o-m annualized (etc depending on frequency
100*log(Yt/Yt(-12)) for %y-o-y (etc depending on frequency data)
It is very convenient (especially for teaching purposes) instead of log
from the menu and then multiplying by 100 or 12*100 and so on.
Also useful for lazy researchers like me :) when just looking at the
7 years, 3 months
Documentation error?
by Jules Davy
I'm using gretl 2017c and tried to use the pdf function with a
binomial distribution. According to the command reference, which says
refer to the cdf function for the required scalar arguments, there are
only 2 (apart from the string which identifies the distribution -- in
this base "B"). But shouldn't there be 3 arguments?
For example to find the probability of 3 successes in 5 flips of a
coin we need 0.5, 3, and 5. I got this command to work after messing
around for a while and first getting some errors:
x = pdf(B, 0.5, 5, 3)
Replaced scalar x = 0.3125
On page 114 of the command reference only the probability and the
number of trials are given as required arguments, not the number of
7 years, 3 months
open database --www option
by Ioannis A. Venetis
Dear all,
Seems that the option --www in the open command does not work in my
It does not matter whether the database is installed or not in the
For example:
open fedstl --www
data isratio
returns a message in a new window: Error attempting to open file
and within script the message
Error executing script: halting
> open fedstl --www
Thanks for any advice given
7 years, 4 months
how to indtall gretl on solaris?
Dear All,
I launched context search
in the Users' Guide for
'solaris' and found no matches
How to indtall gretl on
7 years, 4 months
by Sven Schreiber
Dear all,
so apparently Allin is too modest to announce the new gretl version, or
he wants to avoid cross-postings, but I think that the new release
should be mentioned on this list. As always, many thanks for the great work!
Artur already tweeted the news, though. (
7 years, 4 months