Breush Pagan test
by Salvatore Salvo
Please yr help with this issue
After performing a simple Linear regression (file attached) and asking for
a Breush Pagan Heterocedasticity test in Menu TEST I get the response below
[image: image.png]
Instead if square residual are saved and used as a Dependent variable
against above regressors the answer is different, please see below
[image: image.png]
Why does it happen?
please, I am waiting for your Help and advise
best regrards
4 years, 9 months
A possible bug in gretl when there are multiple instance working at the same time.
by Fred Engst
Hi Allin,
Thanks for all the great work that you’ve been doing.
There seems to be a bug when there are multiple instance of gretl working at the same time.
The versos of gretl I’m working on is 2020c-git built date 2020-05-29.
Here is a description of the problem that I’m facing:
Whenever I have more than one instance of gretl open, and if I closed one of them, then I’m not able to save the .gretl season file that I have created before.
The pattern of the error message is like: “.myfile/session.xml: No such file or directory”.
Other times, I get "Unspecified error” when trying to save a session file.
After a few cased like this, by trial and error, I found that if I start another instance of gretl, and then open the very same .gretl dataset that I was not able to save before, I can now switch back to the old gretl instance and save the session file that I was working on.
To make your job a bit easier, I created the following test steps that you should be able to replicate (at least I can on my Mac):
Quit all instance of gretl
Open gretl
Open the built-in sample file in gretl “banks91”, for example,
Open icon view
Open Notes
Type in any text
Save Notes
Save session file as “banks91_test” for example.
Open anther instance of gretl
Open another built-in sample file “credscore”, for example,
Open icon view
Open Notes
Type in any text
Save Notes
Save session file
Quit gretl
Get back to the session with “banks91”
Open the Notes in icon view,
Here, if I delete the text in the Notes, I get an error that says: "Buffer is empty”.
If I make changes to the text, I’m able to save the Notes.
But now I’m not able to save the session file.
The error message reads:
".banks91_test/session.xml: No such file or directory”
My solution is:
Open another instance of gretl,
Open the session file “banks91_test” that I saved earlier
Do nothing here.
Switch back to the first session on the same file what I wasn’t able to save before
This time I’m able to save the session file.
I have other minor issues, too, but that is all for now.
4 years, 9 months
building gretl from git: heads up!
by Allin Cottrell
For anyone who's building gretl from the current git sources, and
doing the build outside of the source tree (recommended), here's an
Please "rm -rf addons/geoplot/examples"
in your build tree (NOT the source tree) then rerun the configure
script. This will recreate the examples directory in its new form,
not as a symlink into the source tree but as a directory in its own
right, containing symlinks to the files under "examples" in the
source. This is a cleaner model, and will probably be extended to
the other addons before too long.
4 years, 9 months
Open a session file from command line
by F.R.Costa
Dear all,
I'm trying to open a session file from the command line, in particular trying to add the command to a script but was unable. In the reference manual it uses "gretl - r sessionfile" but that seems not to work. Any other ideas?
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4 years, 9 months
how to use word-completion with keyboard shortcut?
by Sven Schreiber
in gretl's script editor on Windows I have word completion suggestions
enabled. See the attached screenshot for an example which gives me 4
choices. Notice the little numbers on the right - how do I use them to
directly choose the corresponding suggestion? I've tried typing the
numbers or using combinations with shift or control without success.
4 years, 9 months