RE Storing random generated series
by George Matysiak
I have a loop for generating 50 random series and would like to
export/store them. What would be the most efficient way to do this? Thanks.
2 years, 8 months
Little bug in labels command?
by Alecos Papadopoulos
I imported a data set from an excel file,
saved the session
created some new variables
executed the
command with no arguments
and I only got the labels of the variables that I have created, not the
imported ones.
gretl 2022a, windows 7, 64bit
Alecos Papadopoulos PhD
Athens University of Economics and Business
2 years, 8 months
Re: A possible bug?
by Fred Engst
Thanks so much Allin!
It’s not I wanted to “indulge” in such a file name, but my students might send me files with such a name.
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 2:12 AM Fred Engst <engst.uibe(a)> wrote:
>> Hi Allin and other contributors to gretl,
>> I found a strange behavior of gretl.
>> If the .gdt data file had an “&” in the file name, once I open it, save some models in the session, and then save the session as .gretl file, I can’t open it later.
>> The error message reads "xmlReadFile failed on /Users/fred/.gretl/.test/session.xml"
>> The same dataset without the “&” in the file name is fine.
> Well, '&' is a special character in the context of XML and a gretl
> session file is zipped XML. In git we now 'escape' the ampersand
> character, so people who want to indulge in such file names can have
> them.
> Allin
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> End of Gretl-users Digest, Vol 185, Issue 10
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2 years, 8 months
A possible bug?
by Fred Engst
Hi Allin and other contributors to gretl,
I found a strange behavior of gretl.
If the .gdt data file had an “&” in the file name, once I open it, save some models in the session, and then save the session as .gretl file, I can’t open it later.
The error message reads "xmlReadFile failed on /Users/fred/.gretl/.test/session.xml"
The same dataset without the “&” in the file name is fine.
2 years, 8 months
fixed-effects logit package
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Hi everybody.
I uploaded a new version of the "felogit" package for conditional ML
estimation of fixed-effects panel logit models (nothing revolutionary,
really: it's just Chamberlain (1980)).
I changed a few internals and the new code should be considerably faster
than the old one. From my experiments, felogit() is about 3 times faster
than the equivalent stata command (xtlogit with the fe option). However, a
few robustness checks wouldn't hurt 😉.
So, if you have a (preferably large) panel dataset to run a few checks,
I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
2 years, 9 months
Re: "join"two gdt panel data files (B) save them as time series
by Ioannis A. Venetis
Thanks Artur, Sven, Jack and Allin for your swift response!!!
Suggestions work beautifully (as usual).
I will be back tomorrow afternoon on this conversation. (Maybe i can
help by expanding the gretl User's guide file with a couple of examples
to help other users as well - beyond searching the gretl's lists).
Thanks again!!
2 years, 9 months
"join"two gdt panel data files (B) save them as time series
by Ioannis Venetis
Hello all,
I attach two gdt panel data files (is what I managed to do, TIME is a time
index, GEO lists 38 countries/regions, and two variables CP00, CP01),
example1.gdt goes from 2016:01-2018:12 and
example2.gdt goes from 2019:01-2022:04
(A) is there an "easy" way to "join" the two gdt files into one time-larger
file? running from 2016:01:-2022:04?
(B) how can i "easily" transform the panel dataset into a time-series set
with 38 CP00 series, say EU_CP00, EA_CP00,... and 38 CP01 series, EU_CP01,
PS = OK I admit "easy" is rather varue. I mean using the mouse menu route
or i guess a few hansl lines? (of course many more lines would be
also welcome if there is no other way ...).
2 years, 9 months
tricks for permutation matrices and vectors?
by Sven Schreiber
I'm wondering how I can easily construct the index vector associated
with a permutation matrix. Here's an example:
pvec = {3,1,2} # given index vector
matrix P = I(nelem(pvec))[pvec,] # associated permutation matrix
matrix PT = I(nelem(pvec))[,pvec] # transpose of that
wanted = {2,3,1} # associated with PT, how ??
Now, a verbose loop-based solution is quite obvious. But is there a
trick to construct the wanted index vector concisely and also for higher
dimensions, of course?
2 years, 9 months