Prof. Allin
Please, we would appreciate it if you could also make the type of impulse
response flexible just as that of Eviews. I mean, selecting impulse types
such generalised, unit, standard error, cholesky.... etc.
On Fri, Nov 22, 2019, 8:23 PM Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)> wrote:
On Fri, 22 Nov 2019, Stefano wrote:
> although Jack is indeed always right and the SVAR package is obviously a
> natural place to do IRFs, my question was prompted by the need to
> the basics of VAR estimation in class - for this purpose the GUI command
> associated outoput menus "Tests", "Analysis" etc is perfectly
> that I feel uncomortable to show confidence intervals with unclear
> characteristics :-)
Hi Stefano,
I'm now working on this -- in the first instance, allowing the user
to specify a number of bootstrap iterations (plus increasing the
default, as Sven has suggested).
It's many years since this particular chunk of the gretl C code was
written. Meanwhile personal computer speeds and memory have of
course increased dramatically, so it's indeed time for an update.
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