Allin Cottrell schrieb:
As for the original question about editing .po files offline, I think it
should be OK to go ahead and do that. I won't modify the gretl.pot file
just yet -- not until the changes that will go into gretl 1.5.2 have
I would hazard a projected release date for 1.5.2 of mid- to late June.
Ok great, I would like to finish the German translation by then, so I
need to clarify the remaining stuff I didn't understand. I've put
together a list of what's unclear to me, any help is appreciated:
1) Failed to initalize print struct for loop\n
apart from typo in English, what's struct?
2) final %11.5f\n (in estimate.c)
final iteration, value, or what?
3) Failed to add values to print loop\n
Don't understand "print loop" here
4) Freed %s\n
freed what?
5) Failed to allocate DIB
what is DIB, and in what way is it allocated
6) Codebook
what's that?
7) Failed to create pixbuf from file
what's a pixbuf?
8) %s/by %s
need to know context
9) Search wrapped
10) PWE
11)No book or workbook streams found.
what's a book stream?
12) Rescaled-range plot for
what's the context here again?
13) inf.
infinite, infimum or what?
14) %s: out of bounds for a year?\n
what's that supposed to mean?
15) Daily date to represent week:
what values can date take here?
16) scale
size? magnification? ...
17) Show English help
where does this appear?
18) Data set is not recognized as a panel.\n
Please use \"Sample/Set frequency, startobs\".
-- does this really still reflect the current menu structure?
19) Offset variable
20) Seasonal
seasonal dummy, effect, or what?
21) log(R/S)
R? S?
Hausman test matrix is not positive definite (this result may be treated
\"fail to reject\" the random effects specification).\n
-- This is different: I perfectly understand it, but I refuse to
translate that ;-) given that I have written an entire (though short)
paper entitled "The Hausman test statistic can be negative even
asymptotically", and it turns out it can only happen when H0 is false.
So we shouldn't advise people to accept H0 in those cases.
23) Standard automatic analysis
is the standard analysis automatic or vice versa?
Thanks again for any hints,