Hello Gretl List,
There has much increasing activity on the list, a good sign I think.
It seems like a good time to thanks to Allin, Jack, et al, for all the
work they have put into Gretl.
I TA'd Colorado State's EC335, took the time-series EC435, and
the grad econometric classes EC535, EC635, and EC735. For
nearly all the work Eviews was the system of choice (I did get the
335 instructor to use Gretl). Eviews had a steep learning curve,
so I wrote short papers on how to use Eviews that are still being
circulated among the grad students, as the program seems to be
a nightmare for those trying to learn econometrics and econometric
software at the same time.
Now I have my own econometrics class to teach at University of
Northern Colorado. I started my students off on Gretl and have not
heard a whimper. They are just running regressions. In fact, I've
showed a couple of tricks with the command line and session window
only to hear, "cool" from the group. So, not only my thanks to the
Gretl folks, but congratulations on building and maintaining a truly
great piece of intuitive and useful software.