Hi all,
I'm having a couple of issues with the gnuplot command in a script. If I write
"gnuplot y x," gretl writes the .plt file in my working directory (c:\program
files\gretl), as described in the command reference. If I add a file name, say
"gnuplot y x --output=ch2.pdf", the file is written ok but to a different
directory (one I was working in on Friday). Using "output=display" doesn't
produce anything. Actually it looks like a graph window may get created & then
immediately closed - it's hard to tell if it's that or the script output window
opening. In any event there's no message in the script output (not that I'd expect
one for a successfully created graph).
The specific script I'm running is Lee Adkins's POEch2.inp. I've also
replicated the directory switch in the console.
Dr. Peter Summers
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Texas Tech University