El Thursday 29 November 2007 11:02:03 Franck Nadaud escribió:
Hello listers ! greetings from Paris !
> This would be brilliant.
Sure it would be useful in some contexts. I am on the way to convert some
old scripts I wrote in SPSS matrix processing language some (long) time
ago. I plan to propose the Moran and Geary spatial correlation coefficients
first. They are used as residuals mispecification tests when a regression
model uses data related to a spatial context (States, counties, measure
stations, etc...).
> One of the thing planned for future versions is a function for
> reading/writing matrices from/to csv files. Would this be useful to you?
That would be exactly what is needed for the task. In fact most spatial
analysis toolboxes / softwares proceed exactly that way around.
There is'nt actually a standard procedure for saving and reading matrices,
but Allin was working about this subject some months ago. You can read his
message to the gret-devel list in
Probably I should not recommend this tricky procedure to everyone, but ....
I do it in this way:
To save the matrix:
set echo off
outfile --write "myfile.xml"
print "<?xml version="1.0"?>"
print "<gretl-matrices count="1">"
print "<gretl-matrix name="mymatrix" rows="3"
print "1.3 2.0"
print "3.4 2.7"
print "8.2 3.1"
print "</gretl-matrix>"
print "</gretl-matrices>"
outfile --close
set echo on
To read the matrix:
include myfile.xml
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754