On Sat, 16 Jun 2018, Henrique Andrade wrote:
I would like to make some speed tests using the approaches suggested
by me
and Jack before we decide the best way (in terms of speed) to use the
powerset function inside Gretl. I think we could consider using C code too
(the powerset is really a bottleneck when we have more than 15 variables to
I guess that the computational cost of the combinatorics is probably
comparable to the actual CPU usage for estimation. For example:
set verbose off
function matrices AltPSetMat(matrix X)
if rows(X) == 0
matrices PowerSet = defarray({})
matrix Set = msortby(uniq(vec(X)), 1)
n = rows(Set)
N = 2^n
matrices PowerSet = array(N)
if n == 1
PowerSet[1] = {}
PowerSet[2] = Set[1]
tmp = AltPSetMat(Set[1:n-1])
PowerSet = tmp
loop i = 1 .. nelem(tmp) --quiet
PowerSet += tmp[i] ~ Set[n]
return PowerSet
end function
open mroz87.gdt --quiet
list X = 3 4 5 6 10 11 15 16 18 19
matrix mx = X
set stopwatch
matrices C = AltPSetMat(mx)
t0 = $stopwatch
n = nelem(C)
bestbic = $huge
best = 0
loop i = 1 .. n --quiet
xi = C[i]
list Z = xi
ols WW const Z --quiet
if $bic < bestbic
best = i
bestbic = $aic
list bestZ = $xlist
t1 = $stopwatch
print t0 t1
print best n
ols WW bestZ
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)