Ok, I have build again gretl from latest git code; "about" section in
the gretl menu says gretl-2015e-git (it should be correct, shouldn't it?)
Anyway, I have run again my infamous query and gretl didn't crash. Thank
On 11/28/2015 09:08 PM, Allin Cottrell wrote:
Herewith some responses to questions about importing data from ODBC
as raised by Alessandro Astuti in these two postings:
Sorry this has taken a while.
1) Importing string-valued variables
Alessandro writes: "In gretl, importing numeric columns from a db
table works correctly, but I can't figure out how to import character
values columns. For example, my favorite test db is world, the one
containing all the world countries and the cities; I can import in
gretl the columns for population and for gnp, for example, but not the
one containing the names of the countries."
On looking into the code, I see that character (or string) data series
are just not supported by our ODBC importer at present. We'll handle
strings, but only in constructing observation markers for matching
against markers present in the dataset. At present gretl will read
string-valued series only from CSV/text data files or native (gdt or
gdtb) files. You could file a feature request for this; see
2) Crash on importation
Alessandro: "what I'm trying to import is the columns of a view with
7223 rows, created starting from a such complex query; the problem is
that when trying to perform this, gretl crashes. I got this code in
my console after gretl imported the penultimate row: *** Error in
`/usr/local/bin/gretl_x11': free(): invalid next size"
I have found, and fixed in git, something that might be responsible
for this problem. If you're able to build gretl from git and try your
import again, that would be great.