Thanks again. Hopefully it will ho smoothly
On Tue, 1 Dec 2020, 17:10 Sven Schreiber, <svetosch(a)> wrote:
Am 01.12.2020 um 17:20 schrieb Brian Revell:
Hi Sven
many thanks for your prompt feedback. Where did you paste it in? In the
Model MLE option from the GUI -or under File -Script File-menu option?
The latter, yes, so basically in the built-in script editor. The MLE area
is meant for even lower-level access, without the predefined Kalman filter
know where to do this. The manual is not helpful in this respect.
In later parts of the guide it is pretty much assumed that people know the
scripting interface of gretl. However, at the beginning this is explained,
please see section 3.1.
(BTW, in my version of the guide the script listing is number 36.4 in ch.
36, I guess you have a slightly older version where some newer chapters do
not exist yet. But this shouldn't make a difference in this context.)
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