On Sat, 21 Sep 2019, Sven Schreiber wrote:
[F]or example in section 4.1 of this article there seems to be
subsampling with a block size b: Linton/Maasoumi/Whang (2003),
Or Politis & Romano (1994, Annals) see section 3 (stationary time
series...), where they explicitly seem to consider subsampling for
"blocks of size b of the consecutive data...".
https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/1176325770, open access pdf)
Thanks for the references.
I found Linton/Maasoumi/Whang heavy going but I think I understand
Politis & Romano OK (and since LMW are drawing on the latter maybe I
understand them well enough for current purposes too).
If so, it appears they're not doing random sampling, they're
considering all contiguous sub-samples of a certain size. This is
clear in section 1 of Politis & Romano where they're talking about
"subsets of the data that retain the dependence structure of the
data." They say:
For example, if X_i,...,X_n represent n observations from a
stationary time series, the statistic is recomputed over the n - b +
1 subsets of size b of the form {X_i, X_{i+1},...X_{i+b-1}}.
Let n = 6 and b = 2, so n - b + 1 = 5. It's clear what 5 subsets
they must be talking about:
(1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (4,5) (5,6)
There's nothing random here and it would be easy to generate such
subsets in hansl without the help of any special function.
Randomness might come in at a "meta" level if one wanted to select a
random subset of the full set of such samples -- presumably, without
replacement. That could be done easily using msample() on a vector
of contiguous index values (just {1,2,3,4,5} for the toy case
above). Given the selected indices, getting the samples would then
be a simple deterministic calculation.