Dear Jack
You are right. I just tried in console:
garch 0 1; Y const Y(-1) --verbose
and I got the same results as what I had in default menu function.
Yi-Nung Yang
2008/5/21 Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <r.lucchetti(a)>:
On Wed, 21 May 2008, yinung CYCU wrote:
Dear all
> I use gretl 1.7.4 to estimate a GARCH model by using default menu function
> (i.e., \Model\Time series\GARCH ) and by the command in console. But they
> generate different results. The details of iterations are as follows. Any
> idea?
Could you please check what happens by issuing the command
garch 0 1; Y const Y(-1) --verbose
via the console? If my guess is right, you should get the same estimates as
the menu function. The trick is: you must specify the constant among the
regressors for the mean equation. We don't support garch models withut a
constant term yet. If you don't put the constant in, we should flag an
error, which we don't.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
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