Hi guys,
I love gretl, but I have a problem.
When I run the builtin fixed effect model on a panel data with over 5000 firms, the gretl
does fine.
But since the dependent variable has over 90% zeros, I tried to do a Tobit model with
entity dummies (i.e. fixed effect tobit). Once I included over 5000 dummies using the
gretl's GUI, gretl crashed with an error from the crash report: "Application
Specific Information: detected buffer overflow”.
I then ran a fixed effect tobit by gretlcli from the command line and it gets stuck for 3
days without much progress.
Just now I tried to run a fixed effect by including entity dummies on OLS through GUI, it
crashed gretl once again, with the same crash report.
Next, I tried fixed effect by including du_* on the OLS command through gretlcli, it was
able to complete in a few minutes, much longer than the builtin panel model with the
—fixed-effects option.
I’m a bit puzzled, however. If a panel fixed effect works fine, why can’t it work for a
tobit model? Or it just will take a very long time to complete due to the nonlinearity?
Is there a way to do the fixed effect like the builtin panel way rather than the explicit
including dummies way on a tobit model?
In either case, the buffer overflow should be looked at.
Thanks in advance for all your help.